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Common payment methods between companies and manufacturers

Posted by : Niklas V / On : 04.04.2023

Making an international payment doesn’t seem to be intuitive or simple.


Over the last 10+ years, our customers experienced multiple issues sending their payment. Follow the points below to make sure that your payment arrives.   




  1. Please use a real bank. Do not use “cheap” intermediary apps or websites like Transferwise. If you have any issues, these websites are barely reachable and very unsupportive.
  2. No Routing Number. Some US banks are not used to making wire transfers to outside the US. If your banker asks for a routing number, then you have a banker who has not arranged an international payment before ;-) routing numbers are for inside the US only. The international equivalents to the US routing number are the BIC and SWIFT.
  3. Account does not exist in system. If your banker says that our bank (or bank account) does not exist because it is not in their system, and he suggest “fixing/changing” some of the information listed on our invoice because his computer suggests doing so, please stop him/her and ask to exactly follow the info on our invoice.
  4. Missing information. All information required for the wire transfer is on the invoice. If your banker says that some info is missing, then he did not read the full invoice. 
  5. Recipient name. The recipient is “2HEX GmbH”. Please do not add anything else into the recipient name. My bank only accepts payments if the recipient name is accurate.
  6. Subject. Please add the invoice number into the subject field.
  7. Who covers the costs? Please select “OUR", sender covers all costs. This means that you cover the costs of your bank and any intermediary banks your bank may work with to arrange the international wire transfer. My bank will still charge their charges to my account. Please don’t select "shared costs", because we don’t share the charges of your bank or your banks intermediary partners. 
  8. Which currency? Please use the currency listed on the invoice. The provided account cannot receive any other currency.
  9. Bank charges. Ask your bank to give you a fixed transaction price. If you don’t ask for a quote in advance, they sometimes come up with horrendous charges afterwards.



PayPal (like Credit Cards) has very high charges for international payment receivers. PayPal charges us roughly 4% international transaction fees + roughly 4% for an obligatory currency conversion when we deduct the payment from PayPal to our bank account.

Therefor if you pay us by PayPal in USD, 8% of your payment will go to PayPal. If you pay us in Euro, 4% of the money we receive will go to PayPal and you will lose an additional 4% for paying in Euro.


If your order total is 10,000 USD, then the total PayPal charges would sum up to 800 USD.


Also, the PayPal insurance offers customers to pull back their payments – this is an extremely high risk for any skateboard manufacturer. Imagine you send us your down-payment, we run your custom production and instead of paying the balance you decide that you want to buy something else, and you pull back your down-payment. Then we are stuck with your unpaid custom branded products.


For these reason, we do not offer payments by PayPal or Credit Card for custom productions.