2HEX 11SBHTP-21滑板热转印机最初是为我们在中国的内部滑板板面量产而建造的。 随着对我们的滑板板面以及我们的滑板热转印机的需求不断增长,我们搭建了这款滑板热转印机定制工具,以按照您的滑板生产业务所需的方式配置定制机器。
滑板热转印机尺寸为87 x 77 x 182 cm,重量为350 KG。2HEX 11SBHTP-21 滑板热转印机必须由两名工人操作。经验丰富的生产工人可以用 2HEX 11SBHTP-21 滑板热转印机每小时转印100块滑板板面。
You will likely be comparing prices, research your country’s machinery laws, as well as the ease of import, maintenance, getting replacement parts, and getting support whenever something needs fixing.
There are machinery manufacturers in USA, Europe and China offering heat transfer machines. Everyone has a different offer. Here is why we think that we at 2HEX have the best deal for you:
- • US and European machinery manufacturers: build their machines locally. according to local law and safety standards. This makes the machines safe and legal to be operated, but also very expensive.
- • Chinese machinery manufacturers: build their machines according to Chinese standards, making the machines cheap but illegal and unsafe to be operated in Europe and USA.
- • 2HEX: combines the best of both worlds. 2HEX manufactures its machines in China according to German machinery law and safety standards - combining the advantages of German machinery standards and Chinese production prices. 2HEX produces machines that are legal and safe to be operated in the US and EU at an affordable price.
We are aware of an increasing number of Chinese vendors nowadays copying the look of our machines. While their machine might have the same color, a similar shape, and a lower price tag - we are certain, that our machines will end up costing you a lot less - often directly from the day you receive the machine. Here is why:
Buy machines that are legal by your country’s machinery laws:
- • Legal import: Customs officers check machines and their documentation for compliance with local machinery law before allowing machines to enter the EU or USA. 2HEX machines are built according to German machinery law, they are allowed to be operated within Europe and USA, and have the right certificates and documentation needed for import. All Chinese machines we have seen so far, including those traded by European and US companies, do not have these certificates and documentation, and are not built to comply with EU and US machinery laws. Not every container is checked by the customs, but those machines that are checked and do not comply with local machinery law are regularly confiscated by the customs. All of our machines smoothly pass customs inspections.
- • Employee safety: Heat transfer machines are operated at bone crushing pressures and temperatures that could melt steel. Employee safety is paramount. If you operate a machine that does not meet national safety standards, it is seen as negligent of your company’s CEO to ask employees to operate it. In case of an injury, the insurance won’t help, neither will the protection of a limited liability company - the liability will go to the manager who decided to operate an unsafe machine. 2HEX machines are legal and safe to be operated within the EU and USA. Don’t accept the existential risk of having your employees work on illegal machines. Have peace of mind - use 2HEX’ machines.
- • Operating Right: Representatives of the city might visit your production facility to check for compliance. No other machines we have seen from China comply. Our machines comply. Don’t have your production shut down by the city. Run a safe and professional production with 2HEX’ machines.
Save money and time:
- • Plug and play ready. Our machines arrive plug and play ready, produced to match your local power grid and power connection. It is really as simple as plugging the machine in. Other machines in the market usually require an electrician to run wires from the machine to your power box, and sometimes even to your city’s high voltage power grid. Sometimes parts of the machine must be-wired, other times a custom power outlet must be built. In many cases we have seen Chinese machines not meet local electric requirements requiring skateboard companies to buy power converters often exceeding 2000 USD, not including the time and labour spent by local engineers. 2HEX works closely with you, to ensure the machine is built according to your city’s power grid, your building’s power outlet, and be as easy to connect as a new TV.
- • Training: Once you receive one of our machines, we call you via Video call and teach you how to run the machine correctly and make perfect deck prints. If anything is unclear later, you simply call us again. We will help you make sure that you produce beautiful decks.
- • Easy fixing: Heat transfer machines are like cars as in that better machines run longer before they need fixing. However, maintenance and fixing are part of running machines for many years. At 2HEX you call via phone or FaceTime and immediately reach the person that designed the machine. Chinese vendors hire sales staff based on their ability to write Emails in English - if your machine stops running and you don’t know why, you will have to try to describe your problem by email, the Chinese sales will then the next day try to translate this problem to the engineer who doesn’t really know what the sales staff means, give a quick answer, which the sales staff does not understand, but still translate and forward to you. Troubleshooting in this way, can take months. At 2HEX you get our FaceTime number and you can simply call and show us the problem. We will quickly guide you through the fixing process and in most cases you are up and running within minutes. And if any part requires replacing - we help you order and replace them with you over video call.
- • Stability: Our machines are built for easy maintenance and longevity often exceeding 10 years.
- • Little to no down-time: All of the above does not only prevent having to spend a lot on local engineers, but also significantly reduces down-time. Every month that your machine does not run, is a month of missed orders. This cost is often forgotten but easily exceeds thousands of dollars within just the first year or two. We are here for you after you bought our machine, and we help you shorten any down-times you might experience, often reducing downtimes from weeks to minutes.
Let us guide you to success:
Many, many years ago, before 2HEX was even an idea, our founder at the age of 19, took a bank loan to buy a heat transfer machine. The machine burned and broke down after only one month. The fear of not being able to run productions, not being able to repay the bank loan, and consequently being at risk of personal bankruptcy was immense. On top of that, neither the machine manufacturer in China, nor the German trader our founder bought the machine from, were able to help. 2HEX’ founder took the machine apart and rebuild the broken components and parts from hand over the course of months. This story was fundamental in 2HEX later becoming a leader in producing safe, high quality, skateboard manufacturing machines. We want to protect you from making a similar experience and guide your company towards success!
Some basic stats:
The size of the skateboard heat transfer machine is 87 x 77 x 182 cm, and it weighs 350 KG.
The 2HEX 11SBHTP-21 skateboard heat transfer machine must be operated by two workers.
Experienced production workers can print on 100 decks per hour using the 2HEX 11SBHTP-21 skateboard heat transfer machine.
观看此影片,了解如何使用 2HEX 的滑板热转印机:
如何使用2HEX 的滑板热转印机
- 从接通电到机器断电并冷却,机器必须始终由两个人操作。长头发必须安全地系在后面并用发网盖住。不得穿着宽松的衣服或配件,以免卡住机器的转盘、链条、转轴或任何其他部件。
- 打开机器。开关位于主控制箱(左上角)上。上轮开始旋转。 (预设速度是完美的。如果您需要更改速度,您可以使用灰色小控制盒上的转盘开关进行更改)
- 在主控制箱开启加热元件并将其设定为220摄氏度。 三分钟后,加热元件将开始发热。
- 打开主控制箱上的液压。
- 让机器自行运行30分钟,以保持稳定的热量和压力。
- 将热转纸(白色面朝下)放在滑板板面上。将滑板板面的中心放在底部滚轮上,传热面向上滚轮。您从您的一侧将热转纸稳定在板面上,而您的同事则从另一侧固定。确保您或您同事的手没有放在两个滚轮之间。
- 按下向下按钮(在滚轮前面)开始高压转印过程。在转印过程中热转纸必须保持平整,请确保您的手或您同事的手永远不会靠近(或介于)硅胶滚轮之间。
- 您的同事在另外一侧接住板面,将其翻转并完成另外一半板面的转印。
- 需要转印的板面应经过反复施压2-3次。然后,您可以撕下热转印纸的胶纸并用剪刀、小刀或剃刀片打磨边缘使其平滑工整。
• 滚轮温度: 200摄氏度
• 滚轮速度: 35
• 滚轮压力: 两个滚轮接触面有1.5cm宽度.
观看此影片,了解如何开始使用 2HEX 的滑板热转印机:
How to connect the 2HEX Skateboard Heat Transfer Machine
收到2HEX 11SBHTP-21滑板热转印机后,油罐内必须加注26升68#或46#液压油。这些可以在网上或在大多数五金店购买。
打开机器底部,查看油箱上方的电机是否顺时针转动。如果它逆时针转动,则 + 和 - 连接错误,必须重新接线以确保电流方向正确。
使用机器生产总是会给工人带来一定程度上的风险。在我们开发这个热转印机时,安全是 2HEX 的重中之重。为此,我们开发了市场上最安全的滑板热转印机。然而,未必所有公司都认为一些额外的安全措施值得支付更加费用。因此,客户可以使用滑板热转印机定制工具添加或扣除所有安全附加组件。
1. 风险一: 手被夹在两个滚轮之间
新手滑板生产工人最常见的意外之一是在按下“向下”按钮后试图纠正热转印纸,手被夹在滑板热传递机的上下滚轮之间。上辊的温度超过220'C 加上下压的力度,如果不立即松开工人的手,会严重伤害皮肤并留下终身疤痕。为了防止这种伤害,我们开发了一个红色的大安全杆,它放置于工人腰部的高度,加在机器的两侧。如果工人的双手被夹在滚轮之间,工人通常因此无法按下向上的按钮,但2HEX的热转印机就允许了工人利用他们的腰部来触动红色安全杆。
2. 风险二:滚轮停止转动引起火灾。
风险二:滚轮停止转动引起火灾。热转印机使用加热元件来加热上轮。加热元件必须在很短的时间内发出大量热量,以便旋滚轮收集足够的热量,将热转印油墨到板面上。为了使得硅胶滚轮有足够的热量去完成转印任务而不会着火, 热量和旋转之间的平衡必须是最佳的。如果电机被卡住或生产设施出现电力短缺,平衡就会被打破。上轮立即停止旋转,但加热元件仍保持加热状态 30 分钟, 这会导致上轮着火和机器燃烧。
3. 第三种风险:被卷入滚轮、马达、转盘或链条。
• 2HEX 11SBHTP-21 滑板热转印机
• 2HEX 24SBHTP-21 长板热转印机这两款热转印机的生产周期都为2 – 3 个月
• 海运加送货上门需要 6 周。
• 空运加送货上门需要10 天。
可在https://www.2hex.com/transfers-configurator 上订购完美适用于 2HEX 滑板或长板热转印机所用的转印纸。 在上面, 您亦可以选择不同尺寸的转印纸、颜色数量和像哑光那样的特殊工艺。
滑板热转印机滚轮和加热元件(加热灯泡)必须定期更换。 我们建议专业制造商随时备有至少十个备用加热元件和两个备用滚轮。 对于相对小型的公司,我们准备以上数量的一半。 滚轮和加热元件都可以在 2HEX.com 滑板热转印机定制工具上订购。 我们不提供其他备用机器组件。 该机器由我们的客户在当地采购的标准组件制成。
欲知如何更换热转印机滚轮, 请按照以上影片中的指引进行.
欲知如何更换热转印机的加热灯, 请按照以上影片中的指引进行
是一家德国公司,必须根据 CE认证 和德国机械法来制造这些机械。德国机械法是全球最严格的法律之一。 2HEX滑板热转印机是为我们在中国生产而开发的,不符合德国机械法规定的要求。因此,我们必须标注机器为 ‘’未完成‘’。如果我们按照德国机械法制造机器,机器价格就会翻倍,这不符合我们客户的利益。每个国家/地区都有一套不同的机械法律,我们仅针对德国法律对机器进行了测试。因此,我们不知道该机器是否符合您所在国家/地区的机械法。包括上面列出的三个额外的安全预防措施,2HEX 开发出的滑板热转印机已是全球最安全的滑板热转印机之一。据我们所知,我们目前是机器安全领域的领头羊,这使我们最接近国际机械法律。
• 定期拧紧机器上的所有螺母和螺栓。
• 保持机器清洁。 请勿在机身上贴贴纸、纸条或其他任何东西。